News Photo & Video
News organizations are allowed to shoot photos or video in public areas on campus. University Communications will coordinate media access to university buildings, the campus mall and any other locked area on campus when permission to film or photograph has been granted.
Taking Photos/Video on Campus
Filming/taping for commercial purposes, such as television programs, movies and advertisements, must be approved in advance. Approval of filming will require a written agreement with the university and appropriate insurance. No use of University of Arizona trademarks or service marks is permitted without advance written approval.
Please contact Pila Martinez, Senior Director, Strategic Communications via email or call: 520-626-4348
to coordinate any commercial filming/taping on campus.
View the release forms (English and Spanish versions) on the Rights and Releases page.
Drone Guidelines
The use of drones, or small unmanned aircraft systems (sUAS), on campus is regulated by the Federal Aviation Administration, relevant state law, and University of Arizona Risk Management Services’ Drone Policy. All use of drones on campus is prohibited unless approved in advance by Risk Management Services.
Media and campus partners wishing to operate sUAS on University property or at a University-sponsored event must submit a request five days in advance.
The University of Arizona reserves the right to restrict drone operations at any time. Permits are issued for one-time use on specified dates and areas and do not provide blanket authority to operate a drone on university property.
General campus drone B-roll is available for media outlets and campus partners. Contact Arlene Islas, manager of video communications, at 520-626-0550 or for file video. A mandatory courtesy is required for use.