Presidential Assets

Presidential Assets


Thank you for your interest in the Presidential Seal and other assets of the Office of the President. In order to ensure the appropriate use of these assets, we have established guidelines that outline the proper protocols for their use. These guidelines are designed to maintain the integrity of these symbols while also allowing for their use in appropriate contexts.​​

The University of Arizona Seal

On April 9, 1915, the official seal of the University of Arizona was adopted and, with minor variations, that seal is used today. The blazing sun in the center represents "the bright southwest" and within the sun is the Latin word "Sursum" meaning "upwards".  The cross in the center represents "enlightenment through learning" and is a historical reference to the missionaries who first introduced education to Arizona. The key directly beneath the cross indicates the University’s role in unlocking the realms of knowledge and a miner’s pick and plough represent the two original schools of the university – mines and agriculture and demonstrates that we are a land grant school. The Greek lamp of learning sits on top a book of philosophy and book of history. The word “sigillum” is Latin for “seal" and 1885 represents the year the University was established.

University of Arizona seal

Presidential Seal Guidelines

The University of Arizona seal is a registered mark of the University and:

May NOT be altered or embellished in any way, nor should it be used in any trivializing manner (e.g., screened or cropped).

May only be reproduced in official University colors, except for all-black and all-white versions for reverse use on dark backgrounds and gold and silver for metallic inks or foil.

May NOT be used as part of a larger graphic, image, title or logo.

MUST include the registered mark ® whenever used.

The Presidential Seal can only be used with permission from the Office of the President. Please review the usage guidelines below and if your use meets the criteria, fill out the Presidential Assets Request Form. Each request will be reviewed and, if approved, the appropriate Seal file will be provided.

Presidential Assets Request Form

Usage Guidelines

Please use the Seal for the requested purpose only, and request additional usage for future events as they arise. Do not use the Seal artwork without case-by-case approval from the Office of the President.

Use of the Presidential Seal is approved for presidential documents, such as inauguration and event invitations, and any use deemed appropriate by the University President.

Use of the University Seal is approved for official University documents and functions related to ceremonies including:

  • Official documents, such as diplomas and certificates.
  • Transcripts (as a watermark)
  • University-level awards and plaques
  • The University’s Main Commencement Ceremony scenic elements, digital and printed materials

For ceremonial use of the Seal not outlined above, email with a detailed request for consideration and review.

All printed materials using the official Seal must be produced by University-approved vendors.

The University Seal is not approved for use on college or department-level awards or at events.  

  • For college- and department-level awards and events, including student and faculty awards, we encourage use of college or department official “Block A” logos
  • For the University Foundation or Alumni Association, please use the official “Block A” logos


The University of Arizona Seal is approved for high-end products and merchandise that reflect the University’s purpose and values.

Products will be approved at the direction of University Trademarks & Licensing in conjunction with the Executive Office of the President. Sales of officially licensed seal merchandise will be restricted to the University of Arizona BookStores and directly from approved licensees.

All products and merchandise must be sourced and created by official University-approved vendors in full color, black, or white color reproduction only.

For more information or request for use of the seal on merchandise, please email


The Seal MAY NOT be used:

  • For non-presidential stationery products
  • For printed or digital marketing materials
  • On websites
  • In social media messaging
  • By students

Colors & Reproduction

The Seal can be used in red and blue, black and white, or metallic gold or copper.

Print, Digital & Foil:
University of Arizona seal
University of Arizona seal
Print & Foil:
University of Arizona seal



Gold & Silver Metallic For Foil and Metallic Inks:
University of Arizona seal
University of Arizona seal
Positive & Negative Etching:
University of Arizona seal reverse etching
University of Arizona seal


An embossing stamp is available for embossing the University Seal on official documents and certificates. Embossed stamping is done at the Office of the President by the requester.

Digital Version of the Seal

A digital version of the Seal is available for use upon the approval of the Office of the President. If a digital use is approved, the following language must be added to the document on the page where the Seal appears: This is an official document of the University of Arizona. Altering or reproducing its content or insignia is strictly prohibited.

Other Presidential Assets

Official Photos of the President

Please use the Presidential Assets Request Form to request the use of a high-resolution image of President Garimella.

Release of any photography is at the discretion of the President once the request has been reviewed. If the use is approved, a final proof of any materials including the photo(s) must be submitted to the Office of the President for final approval.



Signature for Mass Mailings

The President’s signature is for use when he is signing personally or on behalf of the University. Requests must be approved in advance by the appropriate Senior Vice President or their designee. If the use is approved, the signature will be released to an approved print vendor with access to the presidential stationery. To request the signature, please fill out the signature section of the Presidential Assets Request Form.  

If you're seeking a signature for specific contracts or correspondence please contact the Office of the President.  If you need a signature from other members of Senior Leadership for mass mailings contact


Do's and Don'ts for Presidential Photos and Signature

Do use the watermarked version of the photo for comp purposes until you receive the high-resolution image.

Do use the photo or signature exactly as it is delivered to you.

Do use the photo or signature for the requested purpose only, and request additional usage for future events as they arise.

Don't use the President’s photo or signature without case-by-case approval from the Office of the President.

Don't incorporate the photo or signature inside any other logo or mark. It should always stand alone.

Do not retain the asset in your files once a project is finished.



Requesting a Direct-to-Camera Message by the President

Please fill out this form to request a video message from President Garimella. Request fulfillment will depend on his availability and the video deadlines.