Clubs & Organizations

Clubs & Organizations


Below are guidelines for the appropriate use of University of Arizona marks when creating marketing, promotional materials and communications for, and on behalf of, University-recognized faculty, staff and student clubs and organizations.

Student Clubs & Organizations

These guidelines help student groups express association with the University, without creating situations where it appears the student groups represent or speak on behalf of the University.


These guidelines are administered by and refined collaboratively between University Marketing & Brand Management, Student Affairs and the Dean of Students.


These guidelines apply to all student clubs and organizations recognized by the University of Arizona, as determined by the most current version of the Associated Students of the University of Arizona (ASUA) Club and Organization Handbook. Any individual or organization not recognized by ASUA is considered independent of the University and must follow the University’s trademarks and licensing policies and practices.

Special Cases

Privileges may be granted to a designated student organization by the sponsoring University department or division, including more extensive use of the University’s marks, when these special cases are met:

  • University-designated student organizations that have an acknowledged partnership with an academic or administrative unit and have been created by a department or division to support the ongoing interests of the University community.
  • Student organizations that are considered by the University to be critical to the mission and culture of the University and are inherently linked due to their role as a University representative, are an integral part of the institution and routinely present events for the University and surrounding community.

Recognized University of Arizona Student Clubs & Organizations

  • Create their own club logos and branding
  • Use official Arizona Red and Arizona Blue colors
  • Use the trademarked word  “Wildcats” and/or the Registered Trademark words “Arizona,” "The University of Arizona,” and “Cats".
  • Apply the “Block A” to materials so that it is separated from all other creative elements at a distance equal to or greater than five times the height of the logo. (For example, the club logo might be on the front of a t-shirt and the "Block A” may be on the back or a sleeve. Or, the club logo might be at the top of letterhead or a website, and the "Block A” may be at the bottom.)
  • Use the trademarked Wildcat face, unaltered

  • Create club or organization materials that:
    • are obscene
    • include weapons
    • include profanity
    • include references to alcohol or drugs
  • Use images of, or the words “Wilbur” or “Wilma”
  • Use the “shadow cat” or "shadow A" as a logo element
  • Use any other University branding elements besides those described in the “DO” column. This includes but is not limited to University taglines, graphic elements and fonts (Friz, Milo or Proxima Nova).
  • Use University wordmarks in their logos
  • Violate clear space rules of the University or other organization’s marks (cannot combine two logos)
  • Alter or create alternate interpretations of existing University trademarks
  • Use official University business cards or letterhead

  • Obtain creative approval through University Trademarks and Licensing for all materials incorporating University of Arizona trademarks. Email with any and all questions.
  • Follow all existing Trademarks and Licensing guidelines for use of the “Block A”
  • Be an ASUA-recognized student club or organization

Student Club Logo Usage (examples)

UArizona club tshirt
UArizona club tshirt
UArizona club tshirt
UArizona club tshirt


Club Sport & Adaptive Athletics Logo Examples

Tricats club logo
Tricats club logo
Tricats club logo
Tricats club logo
Tricats club logo


For more guidelines on student club logos, refer to the Club Sports and Adaptive Athletics Style Guide or contact Trademarks & Licensing at


Faculty or Staff Clubs and Organizations

Faculty or staff organizations that act in a formal capacity on behalf of the University may request a “Block A” logo with their organization name.

Example: Staff Advisory Council

Faculty and Staff Affinity Groups should use the student group guidelines above to help express their association with the University, while not creating situations where it appears the group represents or speaks on behalf of the University.