Drone Guidelines
The use of drones, or small unmanned aircraft systems (sUAS), on campus is regulated by the Federal Aviation Administration, relevant state law, and University of Arizona Risk Management Services’ Drone Policy. All use of drones on campus is prohibited unless approved in advance by Risk Management Services.
The University of Arizona reserves the right to restrict drone operations at any time. Permits are issued for one-time use on specified dates and areas and do not provide blanket authority to operate a drone on university property.
How to Request sUAS Drone Approval
1. For any media requests for drone approval, contact University Communications at newsinfo@arizona.edu and include a brief description of the project. For university units and any associated vendors, please follow steps 2 - 4.
2. Review the University of Arizona Drone Policy.
3. Fill out the Drone Request Form online at least 5 days in advance and attach any relevant documents including the following:
- Copy of remote pilot's license for all operators involved in the activity
- Copy of Certificate of Insurance, naming the University of Arizona as "additional insured" (under "Description of Operations," the following verbiage pertaining to additional insured should appear: "The University of Arizona, State of Arizona and the Arizona Board of Regents.")
- Map of flight plan (Note: FAA code [14 CFR § 107.39] prohibits flights over persons unless that person is "directly participating in the operation of the small unmanned aircraft" or is "located under a covered structure or inside a stationary vehicle that can provide reasonable protection from falling small unmanned aircraft.")
- FAA registration number of all sUAS to be flown.
4. Await confirmation. After submission, you will receive an acknowledgement of receipt from Risk Management Services, and possibly follow-up questions. Within no more than three business days of submission, you’ll receive an approval or refusal of the request. Any questions can be sent to risk@arizona.edu.

General campus drone B-roll is available upon request. Email brand@arizona.edu with your specific needs and timing.